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The Jeff Hattman Center for
the Performing Arts

Since 1951, Orange Community Players has been a source of outstanding community theater in Southeast, Texas. After numerous floods in our former location and an untenable rise in our insurance premium, we were forced to leave our former playhouse. Our new facility will be named The Jeff Hattman Center for the Performing Arts in honor of long time LCM theater instructor and OCP member Jeff Hattman. 



Open the Doors

Orange Community Players has completed a number of ambitious projects that will lead to a first class Performing Arts Center.  Once completed, we will be able to stage the productions that will allow us to raise a significant portion of the money we need to complete Phases Two and Three.



Finish out the Lobby and Black Box

With Phase One behind us we will once again be able to stage productions in our black box theater. With a full season of plays, and our summer kid's programs back in place, we will be able to raise a significant portion of the money we will need to complete our vision of what the interior of the building will look like. Phase Two will see us finish out the Lobby and Black Box areas. 



Open the Playhouse

With Phase One and Two complete, and at long last functioning once again as a center for creativity and artistic output, OCP will turn our attention to Phase Three - the completion of our traditional or proscenium theater. This will make possible the staging of large and technically ambitious productions.

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